It's probably not worth writing an entire news post just for this small update, but I have always felt like its good to keep people informed about what is going on with the website, so that even if it seems like nothing is going on people know i'm still working on the website behind the scenes.
The JavaScript for the picture.html and player.html pages has been re-written, because almost all of it was terrible, and in the process some bugs have been fixed and improvements made, with the more notable ones being:
1. The JavaScript has been completely re-written and is now MUCH cleaner.
2. Fixed a bug with the regex used for checking for custom resolutions in Flash files for the player.html page. The old regex (/_(\d*)x(\d*)/) could potentially still return a result just from "_x" being present in the file name, with a width of null and a height of null. The new regex (/_(\d+)x(\d+)/) should fix that issue.
3. Fixed a missing "</a>" tag at the end of the page, no idea how I messed that one up.
4. XSS Prevention (finally)
[insert snarky ending statement]
- jon (°Δ•)