[news] SWF Fanart Support (and other fixes)

Posted: June 6, 2024

I've updated a few parts of the site and fixed a few small things. The most substantial update to the site being:


You can now upload a .SWF file to the fanart page if you want to submit any flash content as fanart.

Flash content can now also be marked as NSFW, the same way that the image viewer checks if content is NSFW, by using the "nsfw-" prefix on the file name.

If you submit NSFW fanart, please indicate so in the E-Mail you send (the instructions are included in the E-Mail template as always)


And for some of the smaller updates:

- The Flash Test page now also shows a warning if the user does not have JavaScript enabled, since the functionality of the site relies on JavaScript. This just uses a simple "noscript" tag.

- The comments links on the text post pages have been fixed. Sorry about that! I forgot to add the "target="_blank"" line to the "a" tag, now the comments link should open in a new tab/window (depending on if your browser supports tabs) like all of the other comments links do.


New flash content will come soon, I know i've been taking forever to update the site, insert generic "I'm so sorry I never do anything" line here.


embrace teh win

- jon (°Δ•)

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